Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Beginnings.


  It's been a crazy, wild ride this year. I just finished my semester with a B in my class and next semester i'm going to be more busier, with taking two classes for my major in graphic design from 1:30-5pm to 6:30 -9:30 pm... I'm just enjoying my christmas while it last until i go back to school not this coming up tuesday but next tuesday on the 8th.. [Sad but I'm ready to go back to school.. but won't get break until APRIL for SPRINGBREAK..]

Which i'm excited about -- because with me losing the weight, I'll have to buy new clothes again... in different size. I've already lost 2sizes so far, and i put them up in the closet in the office.. [Will save it when that time comes when I'm married and expecting a baby.] But don't worry, that won't happen for a while now, the baby part.. :) Just gotta finish college and get a career when I graduate.

So, Weight watchers came out with a new plan:


 Honestly, I haven't been to weight watchers for a couple of weeks.. BUT I was and still am tracking my food -- and working out 6 days a week. I've been on plateau : / and it STINKS! So  I've made a change: I printed 1-- I mean 2 of each Monthly calender. Pack of calendar for cheat days: every 2weeks.. and the thing is in FEBRUARY, there's valentines day and my birthday exactly a week after.. I'm thinking healthy dinner for valentine's day with non-fat frozen yogurt  and a cheat day on my birthday like cooking 93/7 lean burgers with oven fries.. just a potatoe with olive oil and kasher salt. :) or something like that. Also, a calendar for my workout routines.. Since i'm going to school afternoon and night classes on TUES & Thurs' Sun's, Mon's, Wed's are gym days and tues, thurs, and friday's are home workouts.. Every Saturday's i get a off-day...

As you may know or not know, Jessica Simpson, a pop star and well known in the movie called, Dukes of the Hazzards -- is the newest spokesperson for weight watchers.. She had signed the contract earlier this year, after she gave birth to her precious daughter, Maxwell. She struggled with losing weight at the beginning, but lost 50+ lbs. She's looking fabulous looking mom. Now, she's expecting another child, which makes Maxwell a big Sister. :-) She's off the diet now, ( not healthy when you're pregnant), until after baby no.2 is born.. She just did weight watchers commerical.

"Hi. I'm Jessica simpson and this year is all about new beginnings for me. I've lost over 50 pounds on weight watchers. It let me be me and I'm only human. I love food. I love life. I had no idea that I can be in so control and so fee at the same time. Introducing the new Weight Watchers 360 program -- built for human nature. Expect Amazing. Because it works. "
-- Jessica Simpson

Also with Jennifer Hudson [ the original spokesperson]:
-- former American Idol Contestent --

"I'm Jennifer Hudson. I hate getting up in the morning. I love bread, I love cheese. Did I say that I love chocolate? I'm human and the new weight watchers 360 program lets me be. The reason I'm still in this body and feeling so good is isn't because I never go out and enjoy the extra large, extra cheese world we live in. It's because I do and you can too because with weight watchers program is built for human nature. You can expect amazing. Introducing the new weight watchers 360 program, expect amazing. Because it works. "
 -- Jennifer Hudson

Well what's stopping from you for losing weight? You'll feel great and healthier. Make it as your new years resolution. Brand new year. Brand new you.

As usual, I'm posting some pictures that I found from tumblr. :)
- Think I posted this before, One of the great weight loss example

- Try to have pineapple as a snack for the day. :)

 Don't like eggs but this is a great for breakfast.

Average weight loss is 1/2 lb to 2lbs per week.

So cute. I'm a fruity person. :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Holy Moly.Holy Cow.

It's been weeks since I've updated with you on my weight loss Journey.. :( I've been so busy with school, it's insane! Just had to work a tad few touches on my two projects for raster imaging class. It's a photography class. I'm majoring in Graphic Design -- and was thinking not only can do graphic design, I've learned a lot in photography! Restoration, Colorization, and retouching is what I've learned in class and it's interesting. :) Right now, we're doing composition, making a project that looks realistic. I know most likely you cant find a career both for graphic design and photography, I'm just going to find a job for graphic design right after I graduate college, and make my own money ( doing photography stuff..)no. yes.... I'm going to make my own business cards for both graphic design/photography if you ever need designs/photo touch up..

My Weight Watchers meeting moved to another location this week-- Can't wait to check it out next week. Sadly, I can't go tomorrow because I'm going to hang out with my friend Katie for a bit, then pack for Helen, cook cookies for Helen.. Oktoberfest is going in in Helen.. It's my first time going to Helen and for Oktoberfest.. all at the same time. So I'm definitely going next week to catch up. I've been eating healthy still, and working out 6days a week. Saturday's are my days off.

Lot of things that happened -- I don' t remember if i ever posted in the previous entry's... But i lost two pant sizes and a ring size. :) The other day, I was cleaning out of my closet, taking out my spring/summer clothes to put in a bag/storage box and put in the office closet.. and take out my fall clothes to put in my bedroom closet.. Not one, but more than a few clothes, i can cannot wear at all. It's SUCH A GREAT.AMAZING. FEELING !! Even with my class ring, I can't wear it anymore, it got loose on my 4th finger, then used to wear in middle finger, but not that's extreme loose. (can't wear it on any finger on BOTH hands..) So i put it up in the jewelry box to get it re-sized soon. Also, my amazingly beautiful promise ring that my boyfriend Garrett got me almost 4 years on Christmas.. Yes. he got it for me 4 months after dating, for Christmas.. Funny story, is that when we started dating, he got me a ring from walmart or should I say wally world?!? It's a cute little ring with pink heart in the middle. Unfortunately, it'd turn my finger green, so he got me the real deal for Christmas.. we went to a jewelry store few weeks before Christmas, he wrote my ring size on his phone, and decided to get me a ring, with his birthstone, since i already got my birth stone on my class ring. What a romance?! :) He make me blush and give me butterflies constantly.

So anyways, back to the topic.. with the clothes that i cannot wear.. I was going to donate it.. but then decided to keep it because what if I gain it back when I get pregnant..after getting married. It might be a couple years from now, or 5 years from now.. Don't wanna to spend money again on those clothes I won't wear with the rest of my life.. I'm never,ever,ever going to that weight I was.

Make some goals for the next few months:
- lose 20lbs by December 5th
- Walk 3times a week
- Drink 8 glasses of water per day.
- Go to bed early. ( this helps you lose weight.. and feel great!)
- use work out dvds 1x/week

Here's a good thing I totally agreed: I learned in meeting, and i just found this online not too long ago:


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Wow, I've been so busy lately with starting my college classes last week for fall semester of 2012, with ending a great weekend.. BECAUSE it was my 4years anniversary with my boyfriend, the love of my life, garrett. : )

Last friday he came over seeing me all dressed up and got my hair done.. I look like a pochantas with my tan skin and brunnette hair. LOL... I got him a collage picture frame with our pictures ( he asked me if i had a professional do it, i repsonded saying no.. i did it all myself.. GREAT compliment.), memory box that i painted (he keep all of my stuff like drawings, cards, movie tickets, 3D glasses,event tickets etc..), perler beads i made of pikachu, zelda, I <3 YOU, and game boy with tetris game on it.., and ALSO, an engraved pocketknife that says Happy anniversary. Stephanie&Garrett. 08.24.08

So friday night, Garrett and I went to italian restaurant called Giorgios. The one and only in Georgia. I had my cheat day that day, havent had one since May -- which was 3 months ago.. I know i know.. it's been a while. but that's a good thing.. Usually, people would have cheat days once a week, but for me it's every 3 months.. At first, it took me a while to get used to it, since then i'm 100% confident.. scratch that. i'm 105% confident. They make the most amazing calzones along with dressings. it's homemade.. i got a cheese calzone with ham and pineapple, then a salad (no cheeeeeese! since i already got cheese in my calzone..) with ranch dressing. SO YUMMY. With left over of dressing, i used to dip the bread with ranch... Not only me that likes that ;-) Not a weird combination..... After that, we went out to menchies.. WHICH is a healthy place.. I could care less about brusters, even though it's a great icecream place, but not much toppings... they have several flavors -- No sugar added/fat free chocolate swirl, coffee toffee, strawberry swirl, and chocolate something.. forgot what's called.. but menchies/yogli mogli have the best toppings that all are non - fat and low - fat .. my top favorites are cake batter, red velvet, thin mint, cookies and creme vanilla chocolate and peanut butter... Also, for seasons like christmas, they'd have like peppermint yogurt or egg nog.. I blame this on my brother and my best friend dara for getting me addicted to frozen yogurt places. HA-HA... They only charge $0.44/per oz. which is not really a bad deal... So i went and got mix of cookies and creme with cake batter... (I bet you'd do this when you were a kids but for me, i'd like out of the cake batter bowl when we're done baking...) Bet you couldn't resist. I'm gonna keep you posted with recipes and Tips on how to lose weight... Summer's almost over.. You're going to want to read my posts coming up with great tools and recipes..

Recipe of the day:
HG's <em>Por Qué No</em>? Mexi Pizza
Let's Talk About Mex', Baby!
When it comes to super-caloric fast-food items, we're often left asking, POR QUÉ? (That's Spanish for "WHY?") But one bite of our new guilt-free swap, and "Why not?" becomes the more appropriate question -- hence the name of our recipe. Just chew it!

Two 6-inch corn tortillas
1/3 cup frozen ground-beef-style soy crumbles (like the kinds by Boca and Morningstar Farms)
1/2 tsp. taco seasoning mix
2 tbsp. fat-free refried beans
2 tbsp. taco sauce
3 tbsp. shredded reduced-fat Mexican-blend cheese
1/4 cup chopped tomato

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray.

Lay tortillas on the baking sheet, side by side, and bake for 6 minutes. Flip tortillas. Bake until crispy, about 6 more minutes. Leave oven on.

Meanwhile, bring a skillet sprayed with nonstick spray to medium heat. Add soy crumbles and sprinkle with 1/4 tsp. taco seasoning. Cook and stir until hot and well mixed, about 2 minutes.

Spread 1 tortilla with refried beans. Top with seasoned soy crumbles, followed by the other tortilla.

In a small bowl, mix taco sauce with remaining 1/4 tsp. taco seasoning. Spread the top tortilla with seasoned sauce, and sprinkle with cheese and tomato.

Bake until sauce is hot and cheese has melted, about 3 minutes. Eat up!

Calories: 254
Fat: 6.5g
Sodium: 803mg
Carbs: 34.5g
Fiber: 6.5g
Sugars: 3.5g
Protein: 16.5g

® value 6*

- still hungry before bed? Go for low-fat string chees,e the case in protein is slow to digest and will sustain you throughout your zzz's.
- (DO)n't qu(IT).
-Running the stairs - great cardio exercise -- also a great way to tone your butt.

I just created this book, ( you can buy a composition journal at walgreens for cheap)and i'd cut out words from magazines to tape on journal that inspires me for this weight-loss journey.
**Will post pictures later on this weeek..**
found out from pinterest.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Keep It Up.

Sorry that I haven't post in a week.. See, first of all, I've been sick last week, for almost a week until last wednesday from viral infection. I have been having headaches constantly, and it's been driving me nuts. I have been in bed all week non-stop, just sleeping in and watch television then taking naps. I thought I was having a sinus infection, because of the migraines, but good thing is that I didn't have no strep throat/runny nose/cough or sneezing but my fever has been going up and down.. the highest was 102.5 and lowest was 99.8 before hitting 98.1 when I started feeling great.

So last thursday, the first day that I had my weekly weigh-in at weight watchers. and LOST -2.8lbs. Heck yeah! I've lost 5lbs total from being sick, and man my apetite wasn't that good, I ate twice a day. Now my apetite is back, today I had two proteins. For lunch, I made a burger with italian seamse seeds bread.. ground beed 93/7 (lean which for weight watchers is 4 Points Plus Values)also with GREEN TRIANGLE. (Goodhealthguidelines..) and for dinner tonight, my mom went and got me CHICK-FIL-A chargrilled chicken sandwich with fruit cup. with JUST 7 points plus..for dinner..

- Yummy (7points for sandwich 0 points for fruit cup)
+2 ppv for Honey roasted bbq sauce (if you want to add on.) = 9PPV

I'm a huge chickfila fan, for all of you chickfila addicts out there, you'd know whatcha I'm talking about.. I'd used to get the regular chicken sandwich but with the fat and calories also S.O.D.I.U.M, a little too much .. and don't forget the waffle fries. I stopped ordering that meal and order a healthier one, chargrilled sandwich with fruit cup.. Yes..., there are times that I'd have a craving for chickfila chicken sandwich but in the back of my mind, I have to make a healthier choice for myself.. and since then, I stopped having my cravings for that including chocolate, wendy's burgers, and other fatty foods. So if you have a craving with something like that, remember to think order healthier, and before you know it, your cravings will go away.. but it's also okay to treat your self once in a while. :)

Here are awesome pictures from pinterest that I saw including fitness and F-A-C-T-S:
trust me, yOu'll lOve it. :)

30 lunches under 400 calories - one thing i learned about eating right, have veggies, protein, fruit, and starch.
Pretty good idea - Good way to drink H20 .. Average is to drink 8 glasses of water.
Healthy College Grocery List...maybe add some goodies in there ;) - great way for ALL college students. especially college students 15.

10 Easy, Healthy Pasta Recipes from Fitness Magazine - pasta salad with farilla brand, tomatoes, spinach, and feta cheese. Yum.
Healthy meals
 Project Lunchbox: 30 days of homemade, unprocessed, healthy lunches. Has a link to a PDF that includes all the meals. - unsalted preztels, fruit, and homemade pizza (which are the best beats restaurant and fast food because they're high in calories, sodium and fat.) Get bobolli pizza crust either thin or wheat.. with any toppings.. you need protein chicken, or turkey bacon. :)

Bikini Body BootcampDaily fitness - workout plans
  - Like below, when I was talking about getting rid of my cravings like for chickfila regular chicken sandwich. :)
Weight loss foods

Pinned Image
I already got this in weight watchers brand, for my weekly meetings and weigh-ins. :)

burn fat When you lose fat.Weight loss journal

Weight Loss 101
For all the beginners for people with WEIGHT LOSS.

Well, I hope you enjoy my blog for the day and like those photo's i added from pinterest. Hope you learn something for the day and remember, if you gain or have a bad day, tomorrow will be a better day and you'll learn better for your weight-loss journey..

Have a great weekend! :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Empower yourself.

Sorry that I haven't been on this week to blog, but earlier this week I didn't feel too well, wasn't on computer at all this week.. Today is the first time I've been on this week, checking my messages and checking facebook and learned that one of my best friend's sister died Wednesday.. It was so soon and sad to know the fact that she was just twenty-five years old.. We grew up in the church together back in the days, then she moved to the state of Michigan and got married.. Thinking of her and her family when they're grieving losing their daughter, sister, friend, wife. Also, my grandmother's birthday was this Wednesday, so we went out to Long Horn's for lunch. Surprisingly, we usually go to Red Lobster for their birthdays and anniversary.. As for me, you know in my previous that I cut down sugars, but also, i cut down going out to dinner every Friday night.. (due to dinner with high sodium and high points..) You can find low points for lunch and dinner out.. but for me, I'd go out to dinner once a month, then turned to hardly ever. Last time I went out to dinner was back in May 2012 at steak & shake for Garrett's birthday, then July 1-7 week in Florida going out to seafood restaurants with my dad, my brother and his girlfriend Megan.

So for lunch, I had a renegade sirloin steak, 6oz for only 10 points with a side salad that came with fat free ranch.. For dessert, I made my grandmother a birthday cake. Do you want to know the special ingredient? It's so so so good. To make a cake, regular cake mix like strawberry, vanilla, chocolate or red velvet.. You usually would use oil, water, and eggs.. At a weight watchers meeting while back, my leader Diane told us to have apple sauce instead of eggs.. Eggs are high in fat and calories.. So good, then when you're making the cake mix, instead of spraying the pan, rub butter on the pan then put flour ( i put wheat flour because we were out of regular flour..) put some on the pan and shake it around to make sure it sticks on the butter on the pan.

Here's a great website:
What I absolutely love about this website, is that you can eat anything you want or what you've been craving for (desserts, side dishes, and appetizers..) This website, tells you the nutrition facts for a food item (look below..) Stick to the recipe it shows on there -- with reduced calories, fat, sodium, and sugars.. Also to all of those people who are addicted to starbucks, there's a few recipes of coffee. Me, nah, I'm not a coffee person. HeHeHe.
Also it tells you how points plus of the food item -- homemade vs. resturant.

Recipe (below) -->
For an example: O Charley's have potatoes skins, which I'd crave for, but it's high in fat.

Instead of:

T.G.I. Friday's Loaded Potato Skins TGIF - Loaded Potato skins -- 11 points

Have instead:

HG's New & Improved Super-Skinny Skins

Serving Size: 1/4th of recipe (2 loaded potato skins)
Calories: 202
Fat: 7.5g
Sodium: 295mg
Carbs: 23.5g
Fiber: 3.5g
Sugars: 2g
Protein: 10g
PointsPlus® value 5*

Well I hope you enjoy my post and have a great weekend. :) Comment if you have any tips or questions.

--Eat Great. Live Healthy.--

Monday, July 30, 2012

Build a Smarter salad.

There's a few reasons why i loved about this week's meeting at weight watchers. Last week topic was about activities and this week was about How To Build A Smarter Salad. As for me, (if you know me really well..) was about salads.. I love salads a lot especially fruit salads... My boyfriend would call me fruity. LOL..

Salads shouldn't just have lettuce and tomatoes.. You need protein like grilled chicken,etc..

Mix and match your ingredients in your weight watchers weekly.

Here are points plus values for salads:
Lettuce (romaine, iceberg, baby spianch,etc..) - 0 PPV
Fat free ranch, 2tbsp - 1 PPV
Sliced strawberries, 1/4 c - 0 PPV
artichokes hearts, 1/2 c - 0 PPV
Sliced egg, 1 - 2 PPV
Sliced  almonds, 1 oz - 5 PPV
Blue cheese , 1/4 c - 2 PPV
Grilled chicken breast, 3oz - 3 PPV
Tuna, canned in water, 1/2 c -3 PPV
Sliced mushrooms, 1/2 c - 0 PPV
Sliced avocado, 1/4 medium- 2 PPV
Croutons, homemade  1/4 c -2 PPV
Chickpeas, 1/2 c - 3 PPV
Mandarian oranges, 1/2 c - 0 PPV

  • Pile on the 0 points plus value items.
  • add weight watchers power foods.
  • ask for dressing on the side.
  • break toppings into small bits.
With the weigh in this week, I've lost 0.8 lbs. (Almost 1 lb..) Like I said in my previous post, any weigh loss programs weigh loss are an average of 0.5-2lbs per week. I did really good cutting my sweets so far,  I didnt eat much today except for lunch and dinner.. With extra points for the day, I had an apple with reduced fat peanut butter (Peter Pan brand.) APPLE with PEANUT BUTTER REDUCED FAT ar just 5 PPV. Honestly, i love that better than JIFF. My top two choices of peanut butter are smart balance and Peter Pan. My next sweet day is August 10 (Friday), since July 27.... And I looked on the calender on when is my next sweet day after 08/10, which is August 24 which is PERFECT because its my and Garrett FOUR YEARS anniversary. That's almost half-a-decade. I'm going to have both CHEAT & SWEET DAY. My cheat day is going to have burger and fries with salad.. then go to YOGLI MOGLI for frozen yogurt.. frozen yogurt places are addicting. I cut off icecream places like Brusters and Dairy Queen but can have low-fat ice cream... I'd rather have yogurt than icecream.. Speaking of icecream, icecream with milk is high in points ( like whole milk, 1 or 2%..) It's better to have icecream made with skim milk.. Skim milk(fat-free) is ONLY 2 points plus values..

And for my cheat days, I only have have cheat day every other couple months.. My last cheat day was back in MAY OF 2012, where I went to Steak & Shake for Garrett's birthday.. So my cheat day this coming month, if I'm planning to have a burger and fries--- It's probably the best way to order it from Kid's menu... I know what your thinking, i'm not a kid.. But hey, it cut down point plus values.. Usually burgers at restaurants (not on kids menu) are like 14+ PPV.

The wonderful world of salad:
Low points plus values

Well, I hope you enjoy something today.. And It's not JUST weight loss.. It's also a life changing experience.. Comment if you have any questions or tips...

Friday, July 27, 2012

How to get unstuck.

Having problems with losing weight? Or your having "plateau" now or for several weeks? Now is the time to get unstuck with losing weight.. Now, let me tell you this: Plateau is a normal thing for anyone going through/struggled with.. With weight watchers or any other weight loss program, the average weight loss is 0.5 a pound up to 2lbs. Now for me, when I started weight watchers, I've been losing 2-5lbs a week, but started having plateus around Nov2011/Jan.2012-

Here are some tips for Platues Stage:
* Exercise
* Track (your points, and activity points)
:start tracking again/ try "simply filling"
:watch/recheck portions
:start being active/switch up current activity
:reread getting started book /use kickstart guide
:vary menus/ new cook book/ work on GHG (GOOD.HEALTHGUIDE.LINES.)
:use "MOTVIATING STRATGEY" to work toward goal or set new goal and use story boarding to acheive
:find an accountiblity partner.... e-tools...
:notice/acknowloedge your non-scale victories
  - antyhing that is not related to your weight.
:stay for your weekly meetings

One of the TIPS-- that my grandmother told me a while back is that cut down your sweets (such as cookies, icecream, candy, etc..) have it once every 2weeks: I'm gonna start doing that again;haven't done it since May2O12. What I do is check on my calendar and write down: No sweets (July 27.) you can draw an arrow until due date (August 10) or Write "Sweet Day", repeat... If your having sweet filling during the 2weeks period, have fruit, or Jell-O Sugar free gelatin snacks, with flavors orange,lime, strawberry, and black cherry with WEIGHT WATCHERS: 0 Points Plus Values.

Hope you're learning something today. And don't worry, it's not the end of the world. :)

At any given moment,
YOU have the power to say
this is NOT how your weight-loss
journey is going to end.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Okay, so this is my first blog page that I created about weight loss for people out in the world who are struggling with weight loss. Just hope that I'm commited to this blog, even though I have another blog site but havent use it in so long.

Obseity is the biggest factor in the U.S. A person who is considered an "obsese" or "extremely obese" is 20% or more above his/her normal weight. Few things that causes obsese including lack of exercise, illness, medications, or genetics. If your biological mother is heavy, then it's 75% most likely you'll be heavy as well. Or if your biological mother is thin, then it's 75% most likely you'll be thin. It's better to be thin so you won't be having any problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

I think Weight Watchers is the best, beats Jenny Craig or others. Because weight watchers quote " it's not a diet, it's a life-changing experience.." For weight watchers, you can eat any food based on points plus (using carbs, fat, protein, and fiber..) With fruits and veggies, you can eat many as you want based its 0 POINTS PLUS VALUES.. Except for starchy vegetables like baked potatoe, can boost up to about 3 points plus..

WEIGHT WATCHERS have weekly meetings and i LOVE it. absolutely. this week topic: activities. I bring my binder to each meeting to write down what we talk about:

- plan out your exercise and food plan for the week
- for example: if you planned to go out to dinner with a friend/ family member or spouse, plan on how many points you'll be planning to use when eating out.

How to acticvate your activity:
=> Prepare your envirnoment (home, office, car, and vacation) to support activity.
=> Set out visual cues as reminders.
=> Read " the active life" in weight watchers weekly.

POINTS DAILY are based on your weight,height, and age.

I've made my 5% and my 10% of my weight loss from WEIGHT WATCHERS.. and recently recieved a 25lb sticker from MAY. I've lost almost 60 lbs, and got about another 60 lbs left to lose..

Well thats it for now, hope you enjoy my blog and catch up more coming up with weight loss tools and such..
Comment if you have any questions/ideas/ or tips of what i should put in my blog.

Believe it because it works.- Jennifer Hudson.