Friday, July 27, 2012

How to get unstuck.

Having problems with losing weight? Or your having "plateau" now or for several weeks? Now is the time to get unstuck with losing weight.. Now, let me tell you this: Plateau is a normal thing for anyone going through/struggled with.. With weight watchers or any other weight loss program, the average weight loss is 0.5 a pound up to 2lbs. Now for me, when I started weight watchers, I've been losing 2-5lbs a week, but started having plateus around Nov2011/Jan.2012-

Here are some tips for Platues Stage:
* Exercise
* Track (your points, and activity points)
:start tracking again/ try "simply filling"
:watch/recheck portions
:start being active/switch up current activity
:reread getting started book /use kickstart guide
:vary menus/ new cook book/ work on GHG (GOOD.HEALTHGUIDE.LINES.)
:use "MOTVIATING STRATGEY" to work toward goal or set new goal and use story boarding to acheive
:find an accountiblity partner.... e-tools...
:notice/acknowloedge your non-scale victories
  - antyhing that is not related to your weight.
:stay for your weekly meetings

One of the TIPS-- that my grandmother told me a while back is that cut down your sweets (such as cookies, icecream, candy, etc..) have it once every 2weeks: I'm gonna start doing that again;haven't done it since May2O12. What I do is check on my calendar and write down: No sweets (July 27.) you can draw an arrow until due date (August 10) or Write "Sweet Day", repeat... If your having sweet filling during the 2weeks period, have fruit, or Jell-O Sugar free gelatin snacks, with flavors orange,lime, strawberry, and black cherry with WEIGHT WATCHERS: 0 Points Plus Values.

Hope you're learning something today. And don't worry, it's not the end of the world. :)

At any given moment,
YOU have the power to say
this is NOT how your weight-loss
journey is going to end.

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