Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Okay, so this is my first blog page that I created about weight loss for people out in the world who are struggling with weight loss. Just hope that I'm commited to this blog, even though I have another blog site but havent use it in so long.

Obseity is the biggest factor in the U.S. A person who is considered an "obsese" or "extremely obese" is 20% or more above his/her normal weight. Few things that causes obsese including lack of exercise, illness, medications, or genetics. If your biological mother is heavy, then it's 75% most likely you'll be heavy as well. Or if your biological mother is thin, then it's 75% most likely you'll be thin. It's better to be thin so you won't be having any problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

I think Weight Watchers is the best, beats Jenny Craig or others. Because weight watchers quote " it's not a diet, it's a life-changing experience.." For weight watchers, you can eat any food based on points plus (using carbs, fat, protein, and fiber..) With fruits and veggies, you can eat many as you want based its 0 POINTS PLUS VALUES.. Except for starchy vegetables like baked potatoe, can boost up to about 3 points plus..

WEIGHT WATCHERS have weekly meetings and i LOVE it. absolutely. this week topic: activities. I bring my binder to each meeting to write down what we talk about:

- plan out your exercise and food plan for the week
- for example: if you planned to go out to dinner with a friend/ family member or spouse, plan on how many points you'll be planning to use when eating out.

How to acticvate your activity:
=> Prepare your envirnoment (home, office, car, and vacation) to support activity.
=> Set out visual cues as reminders.
=> Read " the active life" in weight watchers weekly.

POINTS DAILY are based on your weight,height, and age.

I've made my 5% and my 10% of my weight loss from WEIGHT WATCHERS.. and recently recieved a 25lb sticker from MAY. I've lost almost 60 lbs, and got about another 60 lbs left to lose..

Well thats it for now, hope you enjoy my blog and catch up more coming up with weight loss tools and such..
Comment if you have any questions/ideas/ or tips of what i should put in my blog.

Believe it because it works.- Jennifer Hudson.

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